Educational Systems Theory

Property: Size Degeneration


Educational system, size degeneration is decrease in size. (p.64)


An educational system experiences size degeneration when the number of components within the system decreases.



Figures one and two show a decrease in the number of students within an educational system and hence size degeneration. Size degeneration can also occur when other components such as the teacher(s) or administrator(s) leave the educational system. This can happen for a number of reasons including a decrease in enrollment, cutbacks, and even the flu.

Related Terms:

complexity degeneration


selective information growth

complexity degeneration

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Size Degeneration

#175. If educational system complexity degeneration increases, then size degeneration increases or disconnectivity increases.

#193. If educational system size degeneration decreases and selective information growth is constant, then complexity degeneration increases.

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Last updated by Marty Bray, 4/2/95.