Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Disconnectedness


"Educational system disconnectedness is not either complete connectedness or strongness or unilateralness or weakness, and some components are not connected with respect to affect relations."


Educational System Disconnectedness is measured with respect to affect relations. Therefore, a component of an educational system can be disconnected with respect to one kind of affect relation (e.g., 'guides learning of'), yet remain connected with respect to another kind of affect relation (e.g., 'is friend of').



In Figure 1 above, student 1 has is has no channels going to or coming from him, and therefore is disconnected from the rest of the system with respect to the affect relation "guides the learning of". One might see this in a classroom situation as a student who keeps to him/herself and does not interact with the other students in the classroom.

Another example of disconnectedness can be seen in most school systems. With respect to the affect relation "influencing school curriculum", the custodial staff is usually disconnected from the rest of the system.

Related Terms:


Hypotheses Containing the Property: Disconnectedness

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Last updated by Anthony Betrus, 3/26/95.