Educational Systems Theory

Property: Homomorphism


"Educational system homomorphism is components having the same connections as other components." (p.39)


Homomorphism is a measure of similarity of connections. Components with the same connections to or from other components would be homomorphic.



A typical classroom contains many components that are homomorphic - students. Students recieve instruction from the teacher and information from the same basic sources, and in the same ways. A classroom with low homomorphism would be one where students work independently, use different sources of information, and rely on the teacher less for direct instruction.

An additional classroom example of homomorphism is content taught. Content in a typical classroom is the same for all students, and delivered to them in the same manner by the teacher or textbook.

Related Terms:


complexity degeneration



size degeneration


Hypotheses Containing the Property: Homomorphism

161. If educational system output is constant and automorphism decreases and homomorphism is greater than some value, then feedout increases.

190. If educational system homomorphism at time 2 is greater than homomorphism at time 1, then toput is nearly maximum and size degeneration is nearly maximum and complexity degeneration is nearly maximum.

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Last updated by Lisa Hansen, 3/6/95.