Educational Systems Theory

Property: System Environment


"Educational system environment is a negasystem of at least two components with at least one affect relation which has selective information." (p. 47)


Note that the environment of an educational system is also considered to be a system.


The environment of an educational system is what is available for selection by the system (see toput). In public schools today this environment includes people, such as prospective teachers, administrators and students. Teachers and administrators who apply for jobs in an education system would be part of the environment. If they are hired, then they become input -- i.e., now part of the system, no longer part of the environment.

Similarly, people who seek to be admitted to an educational system as students would be part of its environment. Parental expectations about what their children should learn in school are also part of the educational system environment. If those expectations are adopted into the curriculum (e.g., learning to use computers), then the expectations have become input.

Things can also be part of the system's environment. For example, textbooks for sale by a commercial publisher to the educational system would be part of its environment.

Related Terms:

affect relation
system environmental change

Hypotheses Containing the Property: system environment

# to be added



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Last updated by K. S. King, 7/20/95.