Educational Systems Theory

Property: Storeput


Educational system storeput is a system with input which is not fromput.


Storeput is not part of the negasystem environment of choice. Storeput is conditional selective information. The condition here is that it is not fromput. Storeput is also selective information. There is uncertainty with respect to occurrences in the classifications of storeput.



When students are in school, they are usually not available to the education negasystem (temporarily storeput). When they get on a bus at the end of the school day, then students would become fromput. When getting off the bus and entering home, then students would have become output. Nowadays, computers are educational system storeput. They are not available for use in the educational negasystem (i.e., for students to take home like textbooks and homework assignments; for use by parents and local business during non-school hours). Another typical example of educational system storeput would be classroom furniture, science apparatus, student lockers, school buildings, etc.

Related Terms:

negasystem environment

conditional selective information


selective information

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Storeput

#11. If educational system input decreases, then storeput decreases.

#16. If educational system storeput decreases, then feedout decreases.

#17. If educational system storeput increases, then adaptability increases.

#18. If educational system storeput increases, then efficiency decreases.

#24. If educational system feedback is greater than some value, then storeput is less than some value.

#36. If educational system input increases and storeput is constant, then feedout increases.

#37. If educational system input increases and storeput is less than some value, then change in input equals change in storeput.

#39. If educational system input is greater than some value and spillage is less than some value, then storeput increases.

#40. If educational system input is less than some value and spillage is less than some value, then storeput decreases.

#44. If change in educational system fromput is less than some value and change in storeput is less than zero and change in fromput is greater than zero and the negative of change in storeput is greater than some value, then efficiency decreases.

#46. If educational system storeput increases and (filtration decreases or spillage decreases), then information growth increases.

#98. If educational system storeput increases and (filtration decreases or spillage decreases), then integration increases.

#111. If educational system complete connectivity increases or strongness increases, then change in storeput is greater than change in fromput.

#150. If educational system automorphism increases, then input increases and storeput increases and fromput decreases and feedout decreases and filtration decreases and spillage decreases and efficiency decreases.

#159. If educational system environmental change is greater than some value and compatibility is greater than some value and stability is greater than some value, then storeput is greater than some value or filtration is greater than some value or spillage is greater than some value.

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Last updated by L. R. Bennion, 4/10/95.