Educational Systems Theory

Property: State Steadiness


"Educational system state steadiness is stability under system environmental change." (p. 65)


That is, system state steadiness results when change within the negasystem occurs with no change with respect to the conditions of the system.


Illustration under construction.


In the example of Cleveland's public schools, which have been taken over by the state superintendent, the student subsystem is likely to have the property of state steadiness under this change, which is occurring in the environment. In the short term especially, the conditions of being a student in Cleveland public schools are not likely to change despite this change in the student subsystem's negasystem.

Related Terms:

Educational System Stability

Educational System State Determinacy

Educational System Equifinality

Educational System Homeostasis

Hypotheses Containing the Property: State Steadiness

# 86. If educational system state steadiness is greater than some value, then strain increases.

# 87. If educational system stress is less than some value, then state steadiness is constant.

# 89. Educational system (state steadiness increases if and only if state determinacy increases) and (state steadiness decreases if and only if state determinacy decreases).

# 152. If educational system state steadiness is greater than some value, then adaptivity is less than some value.

# 166. If educational system centrality increases, then state steadiness increases.

# 168. If educational system independence increases and wholeness increases, then state steadiness is greater than some value.

# 176. If educational system state steadiness is less than some value, then segregation is less than some value and integration is less than some value and homeostasis is less than some value.

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Last updated by C.Y. Fitzpatrick, 4/2/95.