Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Size Growth


"Educational system size growth is increase in size." (p.41)


Educational system size growth is an increase in the number of components in an educational system; an increase in size.


In 1985, during the expansion of the Fort Drum Army base in upstate New York, many schools surrounding the base experienced great amounts of size growth due to the large numbers of incoming military families. Thousands of new students poured into the local school systems, requiring more teachers, administration, and materials. Simply put, more elements became part of the system.

Another good example of size growth is the National Football League's decision to add two new expansion teams enter the league. This means more teams, players, equipment, coaches, administration, and fans. More elements will be involved in the NFL, thus it is experiencing size growth.

Related Terms:

size degeneration

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Educational System SIze Growth

184. If educational system complexity increases and size growth is constant, then compactness decreases.

185. If educational system complexity increases and size growth is constant, then centralization increases.

192. If educational system size growth decreases and selective information growth is constant, then complexity growth increases.

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Last updated by T. W. Frick, 1/11/95.