Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Size


"Educational system size is the number of components"


Educational system size is simply a measure of how many elements there are inside of an educational system. It is a very simple concept, but as seen below, it is very important to many SIGGS Educational System Hypotheses.


The Indianapolis School System has a much larger size than the Bloomington School System because it has larger numbers of administration, students, buildings, textbooks, and other system elements. Since the Indianapolis district is larger than the Bl oomington district, it has more parts, thus a larger size.

Related Terms:

size growth
size degeneration

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Size

158. If educational system toput increases and size is constant, then feedback increases.

160. If educational system toput increases and fromput increases and size is constant, then feedout increases.

167.If educational system complexity greater than some value increases, then size increases.

174. Change in educational system size is greater than change in hierarchical order.

177. If educational system weakness is maximum and size increases, then passive dependence increases or active dependence increases.

178. If educational system hierarchical order at a given time is greater than some value and size at a given time is greater than some value, then independence at a later time increases.

180. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then flexibility decreases.

181. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then centralization decreases.

182. If educational system size is constant and complexity degeneration increases, then disconnectedness increases.

183. If educational system size decreases and complexity degeneration increases, then disconnectedness decreases.

188. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then state determination increases.

194. If educational system size increases and complexity growth increases, then toput increases.

195. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then feedin decreases.

196. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then feedout increases and change in feedout decreases.

197. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then feedthrough increases.

198. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then feedback increases.

199. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then regulation increases to some value and then decreases.

200. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then compatibility decreases.

201. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then efficiency increases to some value and then decreases.

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Last updated by Edd Schneider, 3/7/95.