Educational Systems Theory
SIGGS Dynamic Properties (temporal change)
- These properties describe patterns in time as change occurs within or between a system
and its negasystem. These properties were drawn from information theory, set theory and general systems theory.
- 20. Educational system
environmental change, EC
- 20.1. "Educational system
environmental change is a difference in
educational system
environment." (p. 48)
- 21. Educational negasystem
environmental change, NEC
- 21.1. "Educational negasystem environmental
change is a difference in educational negasystem environment." (p.
- 27. Educational system feedin, FI
- 27.1. "Educational system feedin is transmission of selective
information from a negasystem to a system." (p.
- 28. Educational system feedout, FO
- 28.1. "Educational system feedout is transmission of selective
information from a system to a negasystem." (p.
- 29. Educational system feedthrough, FT
- 29.1. "Educational system feedthrough is transmission of selective
information from a negasystem through a system
to a negasystem." (p. 51)
- 30. Educational system feedback, FB
- 30.1. "Educational system feedback is transmission of selective
information from a system through a negasystem
to a system." (p. 51)
- 31. Educational system filtration, FL
- 31.1. "Educational system filtration is restriction of
system environment." (p.
- 32. Educational system spillage, SL
- 32.1. "Educational system spillage is restriction in feedin." (p. 52)
- 33. Educational system regulation, RG
- 33.1. "Educational system regulation is adjustment of
fromput." (p. 52)
- 34. Educational system compatibility, CP
- 34.1. "Educational system compatibility is commonality
between feedin and feedout." (p. 53)
35. Educational system openness, O
- 35.1. "Educational system openness is feedin and/or feedout." (p. 53)
- 36. Educational system adaptability, AD
- 36.1. "Educational system adaptability is difference in
compatibility under system environmental change."
(p. 53)
37. Educational system efficiency, EF
- 37.1. "Educational system efficiency is commonality
between feedthrough and toput." (p. 53)
- 60. Educational system selective information, SI
- 60.1. "Educational system selective information is the
amount of selective
information." (as defined by the H measure in
information theory, p. 63)
61. Educational system size
growth, ZG
- 61.1. "Educational system size growth is increase in size." (p. 63)
- 62. Educational system complexity growth, XG
- 62.1. "Educational system complexity growth is increase
in complexity." (p. 63)
- 63. Educational system selective information growth,
- 63.1. "Educational system selective information growth
is increase in selective
information." (p. 63)
- 64. Educational system size
degeneration, ZD
- 64.1. "Educational system size degeneration is decrease in
size." (p. 64)
- 65. Educational system complexity degeneration, XD
- 65.1. "Educational system complexity degeneration is
decrease in complexity."
- 66. Educational system selective information
degeneration, TD
- 66.1. "Educational system selective information
degeneration is decrease in selective information."
(p. 64)
- 67. Educational system stability, SB
- 67.1. "Educational system stability is no change with
respect to conditions." (p. 64)
- 68. Educational system state
steadiness, SS
- 68.1. "Educational system state steadiness is stability under system environmental change."
(p. 65)
- 69. Educational system state
determinacy, SD
- 69.1. "Educational system state determinacy is
derivability of conditions from one and only one
state." (p. 65)
- 70. Educational system equifinality, EL
- 70.1. "Educational system equifinality is derivability
of conditions from other states." (p. 65)
- 71. Educational system homeostasis, HS
- 71.1. "Educational system homeostasis is equifinality under system environmental change."
- 72. Educational Negasystem stress, SE
- 72.1. "Educational system stress is change beyond certain
limits of negasystem state." (p. 66)
- 73. Educational system strain, SA
- 73.1. "Educational system strain is change beyond certain
limits of system state." (p. 67)
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Last updated by T. W. Frick,
Feb. 12, 1996.