Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Selective Information


"Educational system selective information is the amount of selective information." (As defined by the H measure in information theory, p. 41)


"Input is 'selective information' in a system....'Selective information' means that there is uncertainty in the distribution of alternate categories." (Simulosophy Group Report, pg.56")


"For example, if there are only two kinds of textbooks taken in by a system (such as math and history), and the probability of observing a math book is .90, versus .10 for a history book, then there is little uncertainty in the classification of textbooks. On the other hand, if the probability of a math book being observed is .50 and likewise for a history book, then uncertainty is maximum (for when there are two alternatives). An H measure from information theory can be used to indicate the uncertainy in a probability distibution of discrete alternatives." (Simulosophy Group Report, pg.56)

Another good example of this is in the Cabinet of the U.S. President. The President is presented with a wide range of advice and information from his Cabinet members and has to select what information to incorporate into his policy.

Related Terms:

Selective Information Degeneration
Selective Information Growth
Nonconditional Selective Information
Conditional Selective Information
Transmission of Selective Information

Hypotheses Containing the Property Selective Information

154. If educational system state determination increases, then selective information decreases.

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Last updated by Edd Schneider, 3/7/95.