Educational Systems Theory

Property: Regulation


"Educational system regulation is adjustment of fromput." (p. 52)


Regulation takes the viewpoint of the educational negasystem, and is the adjustment or restriction of fromput. It is parallel to the process of filtration which takes the viewpoint of the system. Regulation monitors what becomes fromput, and what is therefore eligible to become output. Filtration monitors what becomes toput, and therefore, what is eligible to become input.



33.1 In the public school system, students are required to complete 12 grades before being allowed to graduate. Only students with diplomas (fromput) become available for selection by the negasystem (e.g., by colleges, business and industry). This is an example of system regulation.

33.2 Currently, schools also regulate graduation through the use of grades. Students are sorted into levels of competence by their Grade Point Averages. Each student must have a minimum GPA in order to be eligible for a diploma. This system allows students with low GPA's, and lower skill sets, to enter fromput. Consequently, some fromput will consist of students who are ill prepared for the work place. As such, they may never become output (never be admitted to college or get a job).

33.3 Educational systems could regulate graduation through mastery learning. In this approach, all students must reach the same high level of mastery before being eligible for graduation--no matter how long it takes. This reduces the uncertainty of fromput, and ensures that all graduates are of well prepared for society.

33.4 At Smith Animal Shelter, no animal is eligible for adoption (fromput) before it has met the following conditions: it has no known owner, been tested and proven negative for life threatening, contagious diseases, it has been altered, it is in good health, it has received all of its inoculations, it has demonstrated that it is not a threat to other animals or people (doesn't bite or attack other animals).

33.5 The Federal Drug Administration does not allow any drug to be placed on the market, until it has been tested and proven to be safe for human use.

33.6 The prison system regulates the release of inmates. Before inmates can be released from a correctional facility on parole, they must have a hearing in which they prove that they are no longer a threat to society.

Related Terms:






Hypothesis Containing the Property: regulation

#9. If educational system toput increases, then regulation less than some value increases.

#14. If educational system input is greater than some value, then regulation is greater than some value.

#25. If educational system feedback is greater than some value, then regulation is less than some value.

#34. If educational system toput is constant and efficiency is greater than some value, then regulation is less than some value.

#103. If educational system wholeness increases, then regulation is less than somevalue.

#112. If educational system strongness increases and hierarchical order is constant, then regulation decreases.

#138. If educational system toput increases and compactness greater than some value increases then regulation increases.

#153. If educational system state determinacy increases, then regulation decreases.

#155. If educational system equifinality is greater than some value, then regulation is less than some value.

#156. If educational system equifinality at a given time and education system homeostasis is greater than some value, then regulation is less than some value.

#199. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then regulation increases to some value and then decreases.

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Last updated by K. S. King, 4/20/95.