Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational system Input


"Educational system input is an educational system with selective information." (p. 49)


The information is selective. (See 5-1. above.) At any given time there is uncertainty with respect to occurrences of kinds of students, teachers, administrators, textbooks, computers, guns, drugs, etc. that have been taken into an education system.



After being taken into an education system, teachers, students, administrators, textbooks and computers would be part of that system's input. Input is effectively what the system has selected from its choice environment. (Compare with feedin, 27, below.). If guns and drugs are kept out of schools, then they are toput which is not input.

Graduating high school students who are accepted into a university, or graduating college students who are hired to teach high school are output from those education systems and become input to new education systems.

Related Terms:


selective information


educational system



Hypotheses Containing the Property: Input

#1. If educational system environmental change increases, then change in educational system input is greater than some value.

#5. If educational system toput increases, then input increases to some value and then decreases.

#10. If educational system input decreases, then fromput decreases.

#11. If educational system input decreases, then storeput decreases.

#12. If educational system input increases, then filtration decreases.

#13. If educational system input decreases, then filtration increases.

#14. If educational system input is greater than some value, then regulation decreases.

#35. If educational system input is constant and fromput is constant, then output is constant.

#36. If educational system input increases and storeput is constant, then feedout increases.

#37. If educational system input increases and storeput is less than some value, then change in input equals change in storeput.

#38. If educational system input is greater than change in feedthrough, then spillage increases.

#39. If educational system input is greater than some value and spillage is less than some value, the storeput increases.

#40. If educational system input is less than some value and spillage is less than some value, the storeput decreases.

#41. If educational system input is constant and efficiency at a given time is less than some value, then efficiency increases.

#42. If the ratio of maximum educational system selective information to input decreases, then feedout decreases.

#45. If educational system output increases and feedback is greater than some value, then input increases.

#50. Change in educational system input is greater than change in fromput.

#107. The educational system complete connectedness increases or strongness increases, then input increases.

#110. If educational system complete connectedness increases or strongness increases, then openness is less than change in fromput, and change in fromput is less than change in input.

#115. If educational system unilateralness or weakness increases or disconnectedness increases, then input decreases and fromput decreases.

#150. If educational system automorphism increases, then input increases and storeput increases and fromput decreases and feedout decreases and filtration decreases and spillage decreases and efficiency decreases.

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Last updated by L. R. Bennion, 04/10/95.