Educational Systems Theory

Property: Fromput


Educational system fromput is negasystem environment.


Fromput is the negasystem's toput, i.e., the choice environment of the negasystem.



For example, an educational system may make available to society students who are literate and who value democracy. It may also make available broken computers, which need to be repaired. In higher education, an institution may make available new knowledge through disciplined inquiry. Educational systems make also make available students not wanted by society, e.g., those who have failed to learn what is needed to become a productive member of society, dropouts, or those who do not respect the rights of other human beings. Physical trash is another kind of educational system fromput: used paper, books, obsolete computers, garbage from school kitchens.

Related Terms:




Hypotheses Containing the Property: Fromput

#6. If educational system toput greater than some value increases, then fromput increases.

#7. If educational system toput is nearly minimum, then fromput increases.

#10. If educational system input decreases, then fromput decreases.

#15. If educational system output increases, then fromput increases.

#19. If educational system feedin increases, then fromput increases to some value and then decreases.

#33. If educational system feedin increases, then fromput increases to some value and then decreases.

#35. If educational system input is constant and fromput is constant, then output is constant.

#44. If change in educational system fromput is less than some value and change in storeput is less than zero and change in fromput is greater than zero and the negative of change in storeput is greater than some value, then efficiency decreases.

#50. Change in educational system input is greater than change in fromput.

#110. If educational system complete connectedness increases or strongness increases, then openness is less than change in fromput, and change in fromput is less than change in input.

#111. If educational system complete connectedness increases or strongness increases, then change in storeput is greater than change in fromput.

#115. If educational system unilateralness or weakness increases or disconnectedness increases, then input decreases and fromput decreases.

#140. If educational system fromput is constant or fromput decreases and complete connectedness increases and strongness increases, then feedthrough decreases.

#150. If educational system automorphism increases, then input increases and storeput increases and fromput decreases and feedout decreases and filtration decreases and spillage decreases and efficiency decreases.

#151. If educational system isomorphism increases, fromput decreases and feedout decreases.

#160. If educational system toput increases and fromput increases and size is constant, then feedout increases.

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Last updated by L. R. Bennion, 4/10/95.