Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Filtration (FL)


"Educational system filtration is restriction of system environment".


Filtration is, in other words, restriction of educational system toput. Toput is the environment of an educational system, which is a negasystem of at least two or more components with at least one affect relation which has selective information. Filtration is a property of the negasystem.



State textbook adoption agencies restrict the availability of textbooks from which local schools can choose. Furthermore, state adoption committees in Texas, California, and New York act as significant filters of textbooks published in general.

Not all people are eligible as students in the public educational system. Typical state policy restricts that only those students who are between the ages of 5 and 18 are made available for selection to the educational system. Students live in specific areas are admitted in some schools.

Only students with special ability are eligible to study in school of music.

Not all contents is made available to the educational systems. Societal values restricted the availability of pornographic materials as subject matter. Similarly, information for potential sex education in school is restricted by community mores.

Only international students with TOEFL score greater than 550 are eligible to apply to some universities.

In airway communication system, only people without chickenpox are allowed to board an airplane.

Related Terms:

selective information


Hypotheses Containing the Property: filtration

8. If educational system toput increases, then filtration decreases to some value and then increases.

12. If educational system input increases, then filtration decreases.

13. If educational system input decreases, then filtration increases.

22. If educational system feedthrough is less than some value, then filtration is greater than some value or spillage is greater than some value.

26. If educational system filtration is greater than some value, then compatibility is greater than some value.

27. If educational system is filtration less than some value, then compatibility is less than some value.

28. If educational system filtration increases, then adaptability increases.

46. If educational system storeput increases and (filtration decreases or spillage decreases), then information growth increases.

98. If educational system storeput increases and (filtration decreases or spillage decreases), then integration increases.

108. If educational system complete connectivity increases or strongness increases, then filtration decreases.

144. If educational system filtration decreases, then isomorphism increases.

145. If educational system filtration is greater than some value, then stability is greater than some value.

150. If educational system automorphism increases, then input increases and storeput increases and fromput decreases and feedout decreases and filtration decreases and spillage decreases and efficiency decreases.

159. If educational system environmental change is greater than some value and compatibility is greater than some value and stability is greater than some value, then storeput is greater than some value or filtration is greater than some value or spillage is greater than some value.

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Last updated by Rawiwan Tenissara, 4/4/95.