Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Feedthrough (FT)


"Educational system feedthrough is transmission of selective information from a negasystem through a system to a negasystem."


Feedthrough is feedin, then feedout. Some refer to this as throughput.



Students, teachers, administrators and staff come to school at the beginning of the day (FI) and then go home at the end of the school day (FO).

Tax money is taken in and deposited in educational system bank accounts(FI), it is then distributed as salaries to teachers and staff, and deposited in their bank accounts or spent in the local community on personal needs for food, shelter, entertainment, etc.(FO).

In mailing system, letter is dropped into a mailbox by the sender(FI), it is sent to the destination, and then it is brought to the receiver's mailbox (FO).

When the books are recalled by the university library (FI), and then the recaller checks them out (FO).

Related Terms:



Hypotheses Containing the Property: feedthrough

21. If educational system feedthrough increases, then compatibility increases.

22. If educational system feedthrough is less than some value, then filtration is greater than some value or spillage is greater than some value.

31. If educational system environmental change increases and fromput increases, then change in feedthrough is greater than some value.

32. If educational system environmental change is greater than some value and feedthrough is greater than some value, then stability is greater than some value.

33. If educational system toput increases and fromput increases, then feedthrough increases.

38. If change in educational system input is greater than change in feedthrough, then spillage increases.

47. If educational system feedthrough is greater than some value and spillage is less than some value and feedback is greater than some value, then efficiency is greater than some value.

95. If educational system feedthrough increases, then weakness is less than some value.

101. If educational system weakness is greater than some value, then feedthrough is less than some value.

140. If educational system (fromput is constant or fromput decreases) and complete connectivity increases and strongness increases, then feedthrough decreases.

148. If educational system environmental change is greater than some value, and it is not the case that feedthrough is greater than some value, and feedback is greater than some value, then stability is less than some value.

197. If educational system size increases and complexity growth is constant, then feedthrough increases.

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Last updated by Rawiwan Tenissara, 4/4/95.