Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Complexity


"Educational system complexity is the number of connections." (p.41)


Educational system complexity is simply the number of lines of communication between components in an educational system.


A typical Montessori school classroom is much more complex than a classroom where the teacher simply lectures while the students listen. This is because the Montessori classroom opens lines of communication between students, and between student and teacher, thus increasing the number of connections greatly.

Another example would be in airlines. In terms of flights, a large airline like USAir, (that connects virtually every major city in the U.S.) would be much more complex than a smaller commuter airline that has flights connecting a few cities.

Related Terms:

Complexity Growth
Complexity Degeneration
Affect Relation

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Educational System Complexity

167. If educational system complexity greater than some value increases, then size increases.

184. If educational system complexity increases and size growth is constant, then compactness decreases.

185. If educational system complexity increases and size growth is constant, then centralization increases.

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Last updated by Edd Schneider, 3/7/95.