Educational Systems Theory

Property: Complete Connectedness (CC)


38) "Educational system complete connectedness is every two components directly channeled to each other with respect to affect relations."


A system is completely connected when all possible pairs of its components are directly connected by reciprocal affect relations. Complete connection is a diagraph property which is either true or false for a given system at a particular point in ti me.


This Figure represents a system with complete connectedness. You can see that all possible pairs of components are connected by the kind of double headed arrows that indicate reciprocal, or bi-directional, affect relations.


For example, if the affect relation is 'guiding the learning of another' then an educational system would be completely connected with respect to this kind of affect relation if every person directly taught every other person.

An system of networked peer computers where each pair of computers communicates through duplex (that is bi-directional) channels would also be completely connected.

Completely connected systems typically have very high communication overheads, and so traditional education systems seldom exhibit this configuration.

Related Terms:

Affect Relation (def.)
Component (def.)
Flexibility (H #53)
Vulnerability (H #60)
Feedin (H #100)
Strongness (H #106, #107, #108, #109, #110, #111)
Toput (H #106)
Input (H #107, #110)
Filtration (H #108)
Spillage (H #109)
Fromput (H #110)
Openness (H #110)
Storeput (H #111)
Feedthrough (H #140)

Hypotheses Containing the Property: CC


Terms Similar to CC:


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Last updated by John Beckerman, 4/4/95.