Educational Systems Theory

Property: adaptability


"Educational system adaptability is difference in compatibility under system environmental change." (p. 53)


Adaptability has two main phases: change in the negasystem which is followed by a change in the system's compatibility.



36.1 The invention of computers and their wide scale use in business, industry, government, military and other social institutions was a big change for the Harrisburg School district. With this change, society expected the district to help childr en learn how to use technology. However, during the next ten years, the district ignored these demands, and failed to teach students how to use computers. Any students who did graduate with computer competence did so despite the educational system. This is an example of low compatibility. After these ten years, the Harrisburg School district begins to purchase computer hardware and software, and invests in in-service technology training. This is the first half of the adaptability notion: change in feedin. Teachers and students now begin to use computers extensively, and students begin to graduate with the computer competencies society wants. This is a change in feedout, and is the other half of the adaptability notion.

36.2 By the year 2000, 1/3 of our workforce will be Knowledge Workers. Their work will involve continuous learning, the application of analytical knowledge, and collaboration (Drucker, P. F. 1994; November. The age of social transformation. T he Atlantic Monthly. ) This is a big change in the negasystem, which is currently putting stress on our schools to change. We need our educational system to produce graduates who know how to think, how to learn, how to work in teams, and how to access an d manipulate information. Currently, most schools are ignoring these demands; hence, we are experiencing low compatibility. If in the future, educational systems bring in new school structures, teaching strategies, and curricul a (feedin), and begin producing graduates who are Knowledge Workers (feedout), then there will be an increase in compatibility. This would be an example of educational system adaptability.

36.3 Living organisms also show adaptability. For example, we are recently finding that some bacteria are becoming immune to antibiotics. Tuberculosis is a prime example. New strains of immune bacteria are created when tubercul osis patients fail to take all of their medication. They mistakenly believe that once they feel better, they are cured. Unfortunately, not all of the bacteria have been killed. Some of the new generations of bacteria develop a resistance to the medicat ion.

Related Terms:




system environmental change

Hypotheses Containing the Property: Adaptability

#17. If educational system storeput increases, then adaptability increases.

#28. If educational system filtration increases, then adaptability increases.

#146. If educational system adaptability is greater than some value, then stability decreases.

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Last updated by K. S. King, 7/11/95.