Educational Systems Theory

Property: Educational System Active Dependence


"Educational system active dependence is components which have channels from them."


Educational System Active Dependence is a property of both the components and the system. While a component either has the property active dependence or does not, the active dependence of the educational system itself is measured in degree by the proportion of components in the system with this property.



As indicated by the arrows in Figure 1 above, student1, student2, and student 4 have channels from them, and are therefore guiding the learning of other students (other elements of the system). Since they have channels from them, they have the property of active dependence with respect to the affect relation "guides the learning of".

Another example of active dependence is the seen in most public high school systems. The teacher is often the sole person responsible for the affect relation "disiplining" the students in the class. In this type of system, the teacher alone has the property of active dependence with respect to the affect relation "disiplining".

Related Terms:


passive dependence




Hypotheses Containing the Property: Active Dependence

#62. If educational system active dependence increases, then centrality decreases.

#67. If educational system centrality increases, then active dependence decreases.

#71. The limit of the ratio of educational system active dependence to passive dependence as unilateralness increases is equal to one.

#177. If educational system weakness is maximum and size increases, then passive dependence increases or active dependence increases.

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Last updated by Anthony Betrus, 3/26/95.